ঢাকাশনিবার , ১ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৫
  • অন্যান্য

National Food Safety Day Tomorrow

Bulk edible oil in drums is a threat to public health

Staff Reporter
ফেব্রুয়ারি ১, ২০২৫ ৩:৩৪ অপরাহ্ণ । ৬৩ জন

The National Food Safety Day 2025 will be observed tomorrow on Sunday (February 2). This year the theme is “Khaddo hok nirapod, sustho thakuk jonogon”. Although getting safe food is the right of the people, the bulk edible oil marketed in drums has become a threat to public health.

Marketing edible oil without Vitamin ‘A’ fortification is a punishable offense according to the law. However, most of the edible oils in the drum do not contain vitamin ‘A’ or moderate levels. The repeated use of plastic drums can lead to edible oil contamination. Besides, bulk edible oil sold in drums has high chances of adulteration. The rampant sale of loose edible oil marketed in drums works as an impediment to the proper implementation of the 2013 Vitamin ‘A’ Fortification in Edible Oil Act.

According to National Micronutrient Survey 2011-12, 20.5 percent of children aged 06-59 months and 5.4 percent of women aged 15-49 years old (excluding pregnant or lactating) are suffering from Vitamin ‘A’ deficiency. According to a study conducted by icddr,b in 2017, 65% of the total edible oil sold in Bangladesh is marketed in drums, of which, 59% does not contain Vitamin ‘A’ and 34% is poorly Vitamin ‘A’-fortified. Only 7% of the bulk oil sold in drums meets the standard as per the law. These drums do not contain any label or required information about the source, which compromises the traceability of the oil suppliers and makes it impossible to identify the perpetrators.

On the occasion of National Food Safety Day 2025, ABM Zubair, Executive Director of PROGGA (Knowledge for Progress), a research and advocacy organization, said, “As edible oil is a food product, it is the responsibility of all concerned, including the government, to reach it safely to the consumer. Marketing of edible oil in drums should be stopped immediately and everyone should be made aware of its dangers.”