ঢাকাবুধবার , ৫ জুন ২০২৪
  • অন্যান্য

CMP Officials Received Training on ‘Speed as a Risk Factor’

Staff Reporter
জুন ৫, ২০২৪ ৪:২০ অপরাহ্ণ । ১১২ জন

Since the police are responsible for road traffic management, consulting with them before taking any road safety initiative is important to make it more effective. Chattogram Metropolitan Police (CMP) Commissioner Mr. Krishna Pada Roy, BPM (Bar), PPM (Bar) made the remark at a training workshop today focusing on speed as a risk factor for road crashes.

As part of the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS) program, The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) conducted the workshop for two batches on 4 & 5 June. A total of 70 police officers and 4 engineers from Chattogram City Corporation (CCC) attended the workshop. This is the fourth session of a series of training agreed upon with CMP to enhance its capacity to ensure its continued focus on road safety.

CMP commissioner Mr. Krishna Pada Roy, BPM (Bar), PPM (Bar) inaugurated the training each day. In the inaugural session, he emphasized on coordinated effort to make the city roads safer. He said that police alone cannot ensure road safety. There are other stakeholders like CCC and CDA for safer road construction and BRTA for ensuring vehicle safety. Police are only responsible for law enforcement and traffic management. So, it’s important to work together to ensure proper road safety in the city.

Mr. Masud Ahammed, BPM, PPM, Additional Police Commissioner (Traffic), and Mr. Nasir Uddin, Deputy Police Commissioner (Traffic South) attended the workshop as special guests.

GRSP’s Senior Road Policing Advisor Mr. Russell Nyman and Mr. Paul Simcox conducted the training sessions. In this training, they focused on enforcement’s role in preventing road crashes, the liability of speed in crashes, the importance of speed reduction, enforcement technologies and tactics, and safe management of roadside checkpoints etc. The participants were also taught to operate speed cameras to identify vehicles’ speed.

Traffic sergeants, Sub-inspectors, Police Inspectors, Asst. Police Commissioners and Additional Deputy Commissioners attended the workshop. At the end of the workshop, CMP commissioner Mr. Krishna Pada Roy, BPM (Bar), PPM (Bar) handed over the certificates to the participants.

Among others, BIGRS Chattogram Initiative Coordinator Mr. Labib Tazone Utshab, Enforcement Coordinator Quazi Helal Uddin, Transport Coordinator Ms. Sutapa Tasnim, and Communication Officer Mahamudul Hasan were present at the event.

Earlier in March, GRSP provided road crash investigation training to two groups of CMP officials, consisting of 38 officers in each group.