ঢাকারবিবার , ১৮ ফেব্রুয়ারি ২০২৪
  • অন্যান্য

আজকের সর্বশেষ সবখবর

Cotton candy banned in Tamil Nadu, contains cancer – causing chemicals

Staff Reporter
ফেব্রুয়ারি ১৮, ২০২৪ ১০:২৮ পূর্বাহ্ণ । ১১৫ জন
Earlier this month Puducherry had also banned the confectionery

Tamil Nadu and Puducherry banned cotton candy sales due to cancer-causing chemicals. Government analysis revealed textile dye and Rhodomine-B. Health Minister declared it a punishable offense. Food Safety Officers instructed to take strict action under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.

CHENNAI: Tamil Nadu has banned the sale of cotton candy two days after the food safety officials confirmed that it contained cancer-causing chemicals. Earlier this month Puducherry had also banned the confectionery.

Analysis of samples of coloured cotton candy by the Government Food Analysis Laboratory, Guindy revealed addition of a textile dye and chemical compound Rhodomine-B.

The samples were declared ‘substandard and unsafe’ under various sections of the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.

“As per the Act, preparation, packaging, importing, selling, serving food articles with Rhodamine-B in marriage ceremonies and public functions is a punishable offence,” a release from the health minister Ma Subramanian said.

Meanwhile, the commissioner of food safety has directed all the food safety officers to review the matter and take strict action under the Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006.