ঢাকারবিবার , ১২ নভেম্বর ২০২৩

FAO Distributes Dairy Equipment to Small Dairy Farmers Group in Dhaka

Staff Reporter
নভেম্বর ১২, ২০২৩ ১:৪০ অপরাহ্ণ । ২১০ জন

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) distributed dairy equipment to the small dairy farmers groups inside Dhaka North City Corporation yesterday. This initiative aims to improve their dairy processing capacity and ensure consumers in low-income urban areas to have access to safe and nutritious dairy products.

The distribution is part of the joint the project called “Food security for households most affected by the COVID-19 crisis in at-risk low-income urban areas”. It is implemented by FAO, WFP, UNICEF and UNFPA, in collaboration with the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh; with financial support from the Embassy of the Sweden during the COVID-19 pandemic. The project aims to support the peri-urban smallholder farmers to ensure food security and nutrition. As part of the project FAO is distributing dairy equipment like milking machines, milk cooling machine, sealer machine, generator, cream separator, weighing scales, lactometers, grass choppers, plastic milk cans and plastic crates to 10 farmer groups for 189 dairy farmers to use. The distribution took place in Dhelna Eidgah Field, Purbachol; Tafalia Playground, Sector: 17, Uttara, and Baother Momesa Begum High School, Baother, Kachkura, Uttorkhan.

The distribution of these essential dairy equipment to farmers groups will greatly benefit consumers in low-income urban areas by ensuring a more reliable and accessible supply of safe and nutritious dairy products. The enhanced efficiency and quality of dairy production will result in consumers having consistent access to fresh and high-quality dairy items. Furthermore, the equipment provided will contribute to product safety and consistency, assuring consumers of the reliability and quality of the dairy products they purchase. By improving the overall dairy processing capacity, these tools support the livelihoods of farmers and elevate the nutritional well-being of local consumers, ultimately contributing to food security in these vulnerable areas.