ঢাকাশনিবার , ৯ নভেম্বর ২০২৪
  • অন্যান্য

Wildlife hunting and trafficking must be stopped to protect biodiversity : Environmental Advisor

নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক
নভেম্বর ৯, ২০২৪ ৭:৫৭ অপরাহ্ণ । ৬৪ জন

Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Advisor to the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, as well as the Ministry of Water Resources, emphasized the need to end wildlife hunting, capturing, and trafficking to protect biodiversity. She called for the preservation of all wildlife, including tigers and elephants, and urged that deforestation be stopped to save existing forests. Small initiatives for environmental protection, she noted, can lead to significant change.

She shared these thoughts as the chief guest at the national closing ceremony of the ‘Wildlife Olympiad’ held at Viqarunnisa Noon School & College in Dhaka.

As a former student of Viqarunnisa Noon School and College, she shared various memories and mentioned that an initiative would be taken to designate an old tree at the institution as a memorial tree. Rizwana Hasan further highlighted the message of conservation being spread through the Wildlife Olympiad, emphasizing the vision for a green and beautiful Bangladesh for future generations. She mentioned various measures taken to protect Bangladesh’s only coral island, St. Martin’s, and urged people to avoid using plastic bags, unnecessary honking, and to save electricity by turning off fans and lights during the day.

The program featured Dr. Farhina Ahmed, Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, as the special guest. The Chief Conservator of Forests, Md. Amir Hossain Chowdhury, presided over the event, and Viqarunnisa Noon School & College Principal Majeda Begum was also present.

The event showcased the Olympiad’s theme song and a musical drama, followed by a pledge against wildlife poaching. All participating students received T-shirts, certificates, and gift items, while winners in each category were awarded cash prizes of BDT 50,000, 30,000, and 20,000 for first, second, and third places, respectively.

This year’s Olympiad drew 107,000 students nationwide, registered both online and offline. The district rounds took place across the country, with the Forest Department awarding prizes and certificates to district-level winners.

Prior to the event, the Advisor laid the foundation stone for a six-story academic building and inaugurated an eight-story ICT building at Viqarunnisa Noon School & College.

Meanwhile, in a video address as the chief guest at the Kathin Chibor Daan ceremony at Suddhananda Rajguru Abhoyananda Mahabihar in Chattogram, the Environment Advisor called for people of all communities to follow the path of peace.