ঢাকাশনিবার , ৭ ডিসেম্বর ২০২৪
  • অন্যান্য

Vietnam Acts Decisively to Protect Youth From Heated Tobacco Products and E-Cigarettes

Public Health Desk
ডিসেম্বর ৭, ২০২৪ ১০:৩৯ পূর্বাহ্ণ । ৭২ জন

In 2025, Vietnam will join a number of other countries in banning electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products, after a unanimous vote in the National Assembly on Nov. 30. Studies demonstrate that electronic cigarette use increases conventional cigarette use, particularly among non-smoking youth, by nearly three times, so the decision protects youth from new harm while also aligning with Vietnam’s strategy to reduce tobacco use.

“As Vietnam asserts that it will prioritize health over the interests of the tobacco and nicotine industry, Vital Strategies applauds Vietnam’s government and health advocates who have worked tirelessly to protect the next generation,” said Gan Quan, Senior Vice President for Tobacco Control at Vital Strategies. “Vietnam’s strong commitment to protecting youth and other vulnerable populations from nicotine addiction sets an example for countries in the region to follow.”

Sandra Mullin, Vital Strategies’ Senior Vice President, Policy Advocacy and Communication, said: “The government of Vietnam is to be commended for this lifesaving measure. Our congratulations to the National Assembly members and Minister of Health Dao Hong Lan. We look forward to continuing to support communication campaigns to warn young people and foster public understanding about the harms of electronic cigarettes and all tobacco products.”

Policymakers had carefully considered the evidence for this proposal, from research on harmful health effects to the impacts of these products in other countries. They also considered evidence of tobacco and nicotine industry misinformation and conflicts of interest. Surveys reported by WHO reveal that where the products are available, the rate of electronic cigarette use among adolescents exceeds that of adults. A report this year from WHO and STOP, a global tobacco industry watchdog, “Hooking the next generation,” highlighted how the tobacco and nicotine industry designs products and marketing campaigns to addict the world’s youth. These deceptive tactics highlight the urgent need for strong regulations—such as those taken by Vietnam—to protect young people from a new wave of harms, characterized by the use of many tobacco and nicotine products, including cigarettes, and the addiction that can result.

The government will now implement the ban on the production, trading, import, storage, transportation and use of electronic cigarettes and heated tobacco products, as substances that are harmful to human health.