ঢাকামঙ্গলবার , ২১ জানুয়ারি ২০২৫
  • অন্যান্য

Why smoking should be banned

Projonmo Prokriti Prashnik
জানুয়ারি ২১, ২০২৫ ৯:১৭ পূর্বাহ্ণ । ৪৯৩ জন

Have you ever wondered how smoking could affect you and other people? Well… today we will talk about that. So let me tell you an incident that i witnessed just a few days ago. So I was going home after finishing my art class. So I was in a good mood and just walking alone and then a man was smoking and breathed the air right into my face.

I was wearing a mask, but it was still harmful. We often experience this type of things which is very disturbing and harmful.

Also, on the path of my school, there are several stalls selling cigarettes and people buy them and smoke right there. Hundreds and thousands of students inhale the smoke unwillingly when they pass by. Also, when you go in other places like shopping malls and all that people’s smoke. Smoking is becoming a huge addiction. More and more people are getting cancer.

I request the government to take serious action. No smoking specially in front of school and footpath. If we can reduce the amount of smoking then more children will be unharmed and we will get a safe Bangladesh. We all want our children and people to be safe. So, say No to smoking.

Author: Projonmo Prokriti Prashnik. Class: IV’ School: A. G. Church School, Dhaka.